Likainen valokuva
Likainen valokuva:
Kirjoituksia post-dokumentaarisuudesta
The publication addresses the ethical issues of documentary photography within the context of visual art through three essays written in Finnish.
The essays contribute to the discussion through the voices of the authors, drawing from their own experiences and ethical reflections encountered when photographing other people or difficult situations.
Edited by:
Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger
Harri Pälviranta
Henri Airo
Harri Pälviranta
Silla Simone
Year: 2023
Language: Finnish
Pages: 64
Page size: 15 x 21 cm
Printing: Printon, Tallinn
Co-published by:
Utu Press
LAB Institute of Design
Finnish Museum of Photography
ISBN 978-951-827-468-4